Collins made this Colorado trip for the stated purpose of facing Don Roley and fighting him. He posted multiple manic YouTube videos about this during the trip, which he only revealed after the fact. But his stated purpose, that of facing Don Roley, was proved to be a lie. He didn’t want to face Roley; he just wanted to threaten Roley's family.
But really, would Collins have a chance against Roley like that? In Kentucky Collins was very eager to hide behind four other men as they faced Roley for him. When those men he brought stepped aside, Roley stood on the mat waiting for Collins to come at him. Instead, Collins turned and fled. It is hard to believe that Collins would ever risk directly facing Roley again after that show of cowardice. The threat to show up on his doorstep was obviously made to get Roley’s family involved. This would be proved during Collins’ misadventure in Colorado.
Collins was in the Denver area only during his stay in Colorado. He never went down to where Roley lives in Colorado Springs. The two are about an hour’s drive from each other. It was close enough so that he could have driven down unexpectedly at any time, but he never did. After a few days in Denver, Collins’ car had its transmission die and he was stranded on foot. In the end, he had to leave on a train paid for by someone else after a few days of living on the street after his money ran out.
This might have all been worth it in his mind if he could have gotten some sort of win. He reached out to a forum devoted to MMA and joined them, attempting to gain their sympathy and help. He maintained that he was the victim, as he always does. He was unable to understand that the members considered both him and Roley idiots and were largely mocking him. But some did start to feel sorry for him as he maintained that he wanted a neutral venue for the fight with Roley.
In the last few days, it became obvious that he really did have no car and thus the threat to Roley’s family was not a viable one. Roley then went on the offensive, telling the world that he was willing to meet in a gym or something like that to face Collins now that he knew his family wouldn’t have a visit while he was away, supposably to face Collins. From that point, the tables turned on Collins as it became more and more obvious that he was avoiding a fight and Roley was very eager to meet the man that threatened his family.
Roley appealed to the MMA forum to set up a match that would be legal. He is a father who has to take care of his family and he pointed out that mutual consent fights are legal in Colorado, but they must be in the right venue. If they happen in public, both sides can face up to 18 months in jail. Collins then made it clear that he would only fight in public where they would be arrested. This started the change in the way the MMA forum felt about him as all the other members pointed out that Roley was right and that the fight had to go on outside the eyes of the public or arrests would be made. They even got together and tried to get a hotel room to rent for the fight to go on. Collins, living on the street at the time, rejected this idea.
Collins tried to maintain that he wanted to fight, without actually doing anything to make that possible. Even though Roley made it clear that he was not going to fight on the streets, or perhaps because of it, Collins made a little video where he claimed that he was at a certain street corner and would be there for two hours. As stated, the time to drive to the Denver area would be about an hour and he gave no warning so that Roley could be aware of it. It is really doubtful that he was there the entire two hours as well, as his later behavior shows.
Roley put up the following video where he outlined that Collins presence in Colorado wasn’t to fight anyone, but instead threaten his family.
Collins’ response was not a denial that he was threatening them nor contrition if anyone thought he was. Instead he wrote, “And as for Don's family... Fuck his family.” He went on to threaten the families of a few other people in the thread. Sympathy for Collins dropped even more. Collins went on several more times to make implied threats against the families of everyone he does not like, and whom he blames for the sad state of affairs that is his life.
Finally, Collins talked about how he was willing to fight if it was at the train station. One member called for action in finding a gym or other place that would be legal. Roley sent a message that he was fine with the idea. Collins originally said he was as well, but by 7 the next morning had reversed himself and said he was done with Roley. A comment from one of the members who lived in Denver gave the impression that he had a venue lined up for the next day. Roley said he would go.
Yesterday, July tenth, was the day set up and the day Collins had to leave at 7:10 pm. Roley used a friend who was registered with the MMA site to communicate. He left his house at 8:30 and was at a library when it opened 10 in the Denver area. Then he waited. Collins went silent.
As it turns out, there was no venue set up. It was a mistake in communications. The member, named “Phuckles” said that he wanted to view and record the fight, but didn’t have a place they could use out of the eyes of the public. He offered to pick up Collins if a venue could be set up. The MMA members desperately tried to find a place. All the while, Collins was silent and refused to respond.
Finally, Phuckles said that he had a life to lead and that he was giving Collins an 11:30 deadline to respond or he would have to commit to something else. 11:30 came and passed with no response from Collins. Roley announced that without Phuckles help, he didn’t see how anything could happen and he was going home.
An hour later, Collins came back online and started accusing Roley of ducking him.
As this goes on line, Collins is riding the rails, sitting on a train paid for by someone who laughs at him every day. He is probably writing another blog accusing Roley of being a coward and blaming a vast conspiracy for all of the things he hates about himself. He already put up a blog saying that Roley was lying about being at the library in Denver. He demands a video or other proof. Think about that for a moment: Collins couldn't adequately prove that he was in Colorado when asked, to the point that there was great doubt he was even there... but Roley has to prove that Roley is in the state where Roley resides? If any of that makes sense to you, you might be Ron Collins.
After all this came to light, the sentiment on the Mixed Martial Arts forum was universally negative where Collins is concerned. He had, in fact, humiliated himself again, this time in front of a huge audience of MMA fans and exponents who had no reason to know he existed before.

Collins is now without a car, probably completely out of money, and has no support from anyone at the MMA forum or elsewhere to travel again. His attempt to threaten the lives of Roley’s family members has left him without anything to show for it. He undoubtedly will continue his harassment and threats once he is safely sleeping on a couch in West Virginia. He has already started his threats again to show up at Roley’s house. But without help from others, it really is not likely.
Like everything Collins does, this misadventure to Colorado only hurt him. We leave it to Collins on that long, boring train ride back to West Virginia to think about how badly he has made a fool of himself yet again. He has lost... and he is the only one who seems not to know it.
It's worth noting that on the day Ron left, with PLENTY of time to still make his train, a venue was located at an MMA gym, a ride was arranged for Ron, and Roley agreed to travel to the gym...but then Ron refused (after previously stating he would fight Don any time as long as he made his train), hiding behind his aged mother.
ReplyDeleteProbably waiting for the next welfare handout.
ReplyDeleteConsider.....all those associated in any way with that fictional Ninja Ashida Kim (Radford Davis) all seem to live in a MA fantasy world. Dare I say mental "issues" as well?? Check out Kim's website where they all turn up for seminars/training sessions, basically feeding off each others bullshit.