Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Ron Collins, aka Ronald Collins, Jr. : CONVICTED FELON

Ronald Collins, Jr. was convicted in March of 2019 of two felony counts. One was for lying on the federal form to buy a firearm, and the other was for possessing the gun that he lied to buy. Ron, you see, was involuntary committed to a mental hospital a couple of years back. He has to answer "yes" to a question on the federal firearms form that asks if he has ever been institutionalized like that. Instead, he lied and answered no and, now, finally, after all his years of petty crime, he is finally a felon.

You can see news articles about his conviction here and here.

1 comment:

  1. You know all this means is another epic book in 2039 about the conspiracy to set up ol' Sensei Ron and how he taught inmates forbidden West Virginia Kung Fu. *sighs*
