Friday, August 19, 2022

Convicted Felon Ron Collins Gets Out September 6th, 2022


Well, it's been a long four years for our boy Ron. After spending about a year's worth of time served awaiting trial, physically assaulting one of his court-appointed lawyers, and finally having a trial in which he was convicted and his sentence was "enhanced" for the attack on the defense attorney, Ron Collins spent four more years in federal prison as a convicted felon.

He did some of his time at Elkton FCI, which turned out to be the prison hardest hit by COVID-19 during the 2020-2021 pandemic. Eventually he was transferred (for COVID, he claimed in a private message after he got out) to Fort Dix, another federal facility even farther away from his hometown. Eventually, he got out and was sent to a Halfway House out of RMR Baltimore (the facility itself was in West Virginia), and that's when he started posting on Facebook, participating in a Kiwi Farms thread about him (where he posted his own Social Security Number to the Internet), and private messaging many of the people on his extensive enemies list.

That was not, however, the only time Ron has been on the Internet since his incarceration started. During the summer of 2021, he got his hands on a contraband phone and started posting to Facebook as "The Ghost of Ron Collins." (He even posted to an MMA forum where he had previously spent some time during the run up to his fight with Mike Pesesko.) It wasn't long before the phone was found and confiscated.

In March of 2022, Ron was released to the halfway house from Fort Dix. He immediately started posting on Facebook and even friended various people he hates in a desperate bid for attention. While sharing pointless memes and dumping huge, blurry batches of legal documents on Facebook, he somehow managed to break the rules of the halfway house and was sent back to jail, this time to the Central Regional Jail in West Virginia. That happened in late June, 2022, and his sentence was extended to September 6, 2022.

Presumably when he gets out in September, he'll be more free to post videos and blogs again, since he'll be on parole (?) but not living in the halfway house. My money's on Ron becoming homeless before this is all over, as he and his ailing mother were only barely eking out an existence before he went inside. Now, with the words "Convicted Felon" attached to his name, Ron's going to find his prospects more bleak than ever...

Most notably, based on his Facebook posts since entering the halfway house, Ron is completely unchanged. Nothing about him is different. Nothing about spending 4 years in a federal prison, even a minimum security prison, has changed him in any way. It's a shame, really. He seems destined to keep going back to prison, bouncing in and out of custody for the rest of his days.

Good luck, Ron. You'll need it.