Saturday, August 26, 2017

Ron Collins Loses...Again

Ron Collins has lost to “Icy Mike” at the Street Beefs event. No one is surprised.
Despite Collins having a huge weight advantage (mainly fat), his lack of skill was his downfall. After moving around badly for a few moments while Mike kicked his legs, he was knocked down and allowed to get up again by Mike. He took another light punch and then gave up while still standing.

It should be noted that while Collins was willing to get into the ring with Icy Mike, with whom he has no history, he has always avoided the same with Don Roley and others. His excuse, as expressed on a video posted today, is that the conditions Roley sets requires someone being crippled for the fight to end.

In reality, as this site noted, the actual conditions set down by Roley when Collins showed up at his seminar hiding behind four other people is as follows,

"Just him, just me, no weapons," Roley says. "When it gets too bad, if somebody's looking at, like, a hospital stay, everybody jumps in and stops it." 

So when things get too bad everyone steps in and stops things. With four people with Collins, that means that long before a hospital stay would be required the fight could be called off. Things might get to a point where a hospital stay is a reality, but sending someone there is clearly not a requirement for victory. Collins’ friends could have jumped in any time they thought things were getting “too bad.”

Now we can expect this fight to be used as a type of straw man argument. Collins is low hanging fruit. No one has ever been able to verify any of his claims of training under an actual teacher longer than maybe a seminar with Ashida Kim. He is completely untrained and his videos show that he has no idea at all about the realities of combat. Even in his pistol videos he used to have up, he swings the barrel across himself several times. He is self taught off of videos and books. He is a fraud in every definition of the word.

Lumping him in with people that have actual training is dishonest at best. But there are those that make any attempt they can to tear down anything other than what they do. We can expect this now that Collins has been shown to be totally incompetent against someone with actual training.

The debate about MMA vs Traditional Martial Arts (TMA) is a long one. It can’t be dealt with completely in this blog. The defeat of Collins should not be used in this debate and any sort of example.

Collins has avoided any fight with any TMA practitioner. That tells you that he knows he will not do well against them. He makes excuses and blames the other side, but it is rather clear to those paying attention that he lives in complete fear of having his lack of abilities shown to the world. He has made great effort to build his opponent today as a great fighter so it would be like most of us losing a game of golf against Tiger Woods.

There are many TMA practitioners that are cheering Collins’ defeat. They despise his type more than MMA students do. For the TMA crowd, frauds such as Collins get them all painted with the same brush. If Collins actually were willing to face someone from TMA, he would have dozens of people lining up for a chance. But his history is one of never getting into a situation where that can be a reality.

So this fight shows how little a self taught ninja like Collins knows. It may be indicative of all the other people making silly claims like his former friends at the Black Dragon Fighting Society, which let him show up at their events. But it goes no further than that. Collins seems to know that he would lose to any TMA student and avoids giving them a chance to prove it. His lack of ability he showed today does not reflect on anyone who actually has spent years under an instructor.

Friday, August 25, 2017

No Matter What Happens August 26th, Ron Collins Loses

Ron Collins has exposed his throat in surrender to Don Roley. Being Collins, he is trying to portray it as a win. But he has made it clear that he will avoid a confrontation with Roley no matter what others do.

The feud between the two has been going on for years, from back when there were message boards devoted to martial arts instead of Facebook. For those unfamiliar with the story, the next few paragraphs can help fill them in. For those that have been following it from the start, it might be best to skip to the bottom.

When the two first encountered each other online, Roley was living in Japan, fluent in the language and very knowledgeable about the history of the ninja. He has been called the West’s foremost expert on Fujita Seiko and the Koga ryu. Collins tried to portray himself as a student and teacher of ninjutsu, taught by someone with a Japanese name that can’t be verified even existed and various tall tales that change from time to time. Among those were his claim that he used his ninjutsu skills as part of his time in the elite USMC Force Recon. After over a decade of trying to convince everyone that he had served in this unit, a freedom of information request revealed he had not even made it through basic training in the Marines.

Collins has had a series of legal troubles resulting in a conviction for contributing to the delinquency of a minor and for battery on a police officer. He has been arrested for allegedly possessing child pornography and for making terroristic threats. While the latter two cases went nowhere, they did result in Collins being declared incompetent to stand trial and committed involuntarily to a mental institution for six months. Collins has responded to these various legal issues by blaming a wide ranging conspiracy against him involving the police, a local motorcycle gang and various critics of his. 

Ever since Roley moved back to the states, Collins has tried to counter him by saying that he might take a trip out to visit him but Roley was scared to put up the address of his school for fear that he might encounter Collins. For years this was the theme that Collins tried to push as Roley took apart every story he tried to create.

Finally, Roley scheduled a seminar in Lexington Kentucky the same weekend that Collins would be attending a meeting of the Black Dragon Fighting Society. He let it be known that if Collins really wanted to challenge him, he could be found at the location of the seminar and made public announcements that Collins would not be charged with trespassing if he showed up to fight.

Collins tried to change things instead of agreeing to this. He started to insist that the fight be on the street, which would lead to both of them spending time in jail. Roley’s wife has cancer and sometimes after a treatment of chemo he has to take care of her and their children as she recovers. He could not risk taking that type of time away from them. Collins insisted even more when it was clear that Roley would not fight on the streets of Lexington, and Collins would not say where they could meet, sticking to inside the hotel that the BDFS event was going on.

But there was a surprise when Collins showed up on Saturday night with four members of the BDFS. Most of the encounter is captured in a 15 minute video where Collins stays safely behind the others making big noises, but then staying silent as others talk about fighting Roley. When Roley says that he will not fight anyone else until he has had a chance with Collins the rest stand aside and say it is up to Collins to chose to fight. Instead of stepping onto the mat where Roley is waiting, Collins announces that he is going to sue him instead and gets out of there in short order.

This was last October. As of today no one has been served with any papers in any lawsuit by Collins. Later Collins changed his story to the excuse that he knew he would go to jail if he had stepped on the mat, which not only did he not mention until months later but which has been denied by people with law degrees.

It was a humiliation for Collins and since then he has been obsessed with Roley. Not a month goes by where there isn’t a blog or two that Collins writes about him, accusing him of various crimes and ill deeds. in June, Collins took to the road in what he said was an attempt to show up on Roley’s front doorstep to challenge him to a fight. 

Despite this, he never came closer than an hour’s ride away from Roley’s home. He instead stayed in the Denver area, an hour North of where Roley lives in Colorado Springs. He made sure to make mention of Roley’s family and the things he could do to them if he stopped by while Roley was gone. But while his car was still functional he never took the drive down, staying up in Denver the whole time. Collins’ car gave up the ghost a few weeks into his stay in Colorado. He was living on the street for a while. 

During his stay in Denver, he had attracted the attention of a message board devoted to mixed martial arts. He joined and tried to sway them to his side. The forum had a sub section called the Other Ground, and from that they took on the name of The OG. Collins did various things such as post a video of him on a street corner and announcing that he would be there for two hours if Roley wanted to fight him. Not only did he know that Roley refused to face the legal troubles of a fight on the street, but he would have almost no time to get up to where the location was in time given the short, sudden notice. When Roley did not respond in time, Collins used this to call him a coward.

When Roley started communicating with the forum, the OG tried to set up an acceptable venue for the two that would not cause anyone to go to jail. Collins refused all such attempts. The OG was even willing to rent a hotel room in the hope it could go on. But Collins, who had been living on the street for a few days at this point, refused to even consider it.

Finally, on a Sunday night there was an attempt to get the two together. The OG tried to set up a venue other than the train stations or street corners Collins was demanding the meet at which would lead to jail time for both of them. One member made a comment that sounded like he might have a back yard the two could use and Roley agreed to show up in the morning. Collins also gave his agreement to doing something in the morning.

But come Monday morning, Collins went off line refusing to respond. Roley made a trip to Denver and communicated from a library he was waiting at. As it turns out, there was no location. But the OG scrambled to set something up at the last moment. All this while, Collins stayed silent. When the member from Denver that had agreed to ferry Collins to anything that could have been set up announced he had to get on with his life instead of waiting for a response from Collins that never came, Roley said he did not see how things could go on and he too was heading home.

About 20 minutes later, Collins started to respond. Indeed, he has tried to say that he responded before Roley said he was going home, but the sequence of posts on the forum prove otherwise. The OG was not ready to give up.They actually found a gym in the Denver area whose owner was a member there and willing to let the two use it for the fight the next day. The night before it could happen, Collins left on a train home saying that he had to take care of his mother.

A typical response from the OG is this,

“Ron Collins is the pound for pound biggest pussy in the history of the world. I don't think there is any redemption for you after this. Just like being a pedophile this will follow you around everywhere you go. Might as well change your name now and pretend to be a BJJ black belt.”

Collins, of course, tried to portray this as a victory for him. He claimed his phone was out of order all morning and even tried to say that Roley announced he was going home after Collins responded. However, Roley’s announcement was on page 51 and Collins resurfaced on the next page. Collins claims that since Roley did not think to post a video of him waiting in Denver, it is proof he was not.

Last weekend, Roley gave a seminar in Maryland. It is only about a four hour trip between where he was teaching and where Collins lives. There was an open invitation prior to the Colorado trip for Collins to show up and challenge Roley to a fight. Collins made various excuses, mainly saying that it was some sort of legal trap. Just before Roley was about to get on a plane out to Maryland, Collins suggested that he come out to a location a few hours away to confront him. 

This was quite simply not possible to set up on Roley’s end at the last minute. After he said that he could not make it, but that Collins was still welcome to show up at the location that had been set for months, Collins took heart and was very brave about trying to call Roley out and give up his prior obligations, which he had been paid to do.

Once Collins knew Roley could not make it to the location Collins had picked, he even went so far as to post the following,

“Don you can fight me this week end and have a video to show your kids you are diddling and that whore wife if yours... Come on Don either you want to fight me for calling sick whore wife a whore or you are gonna keep making excuses...

What kind of man won't defend the honor of his sick dying wife and children..? Are you that scared of me that you are gonna let me call your wife a whore and dare you to come out and fight me? Don't you care about her?

What kind if husband are you? What kind of father? Are you grooming your daughter to be a whore like her mother? Come on Don... I am kinda pissed at own damn self for saying shit and you don't want to fight me? You can't drive for 5 hours round trip?”

The OG recoiled at this and Collins tried to pass it off as a tactic to get Roley to give up teaching on Sunday to come face him. No one seems to believe that.

In the end, Roley went home and Collins made videos of himself.

Before the end of the weekend, the suggestion was made for one more chance. Roley is teaching in Lexington in October, the site of their first face to face meeting, the one where Collins ended up turning and fleeing instead of fighting.

Roley suggested that the members of the OG set up a neutral location as Collins claims he wanted.

Collins response at the idea of a really neutral location was as follows,

“I am telling you I am not wasting my time coming to Lexington... I can set everything up at home & I am going to be dealing with court, motions and researching cases for a while as the motions start flying... You aren't important... I gave Barron multiple shots, I gave you multiple shots... hell I went to Colorado and all the time I was there you did nothing until I said I was gonna call it &, now that I am telling you, I am done. I am gonna fight Icy Mike & you can go fuck yourself if you want me to chase you to Lexington... No... I don't care I am not going to do it.”

So in the end, the man who claims he showed his bravery by driving across the country to show up in Denver absolutely refuses to take the short trip to Lexington to face Roley in a completely neutral location set up by people outside of either of their control. He claims that he has better things to do, but no one seems to believe that and express the opinion that it is just the latest example of him fleeing from Roley.

Roley announced that he saw no way to make Collins actually get in a ring under any circumstances and said he was through with him.

Today Collins is supposed to face another man named Icy Mike. The chances are good he will show up. Only Collins seems to think he has a chance. But he is building it up as a great show of his willingness to fight someone. He probably hope he thinks it will make up for all the times so far he has had a real chance to face Roley, but failed to go through.

Collins is trying to build Icy Mike up as a great fighter and keep on his good side. He has made sure to not say anything disrespectful knowing that he will have to face him. Odds are that he will lose and present it as him losing to the best. But in reality, Collins has claimed to have learned fighting skills from age two, including trips to Japan and various victories in un verifiable encounters. His destruction will not do him much good.

And in the end, his fighting Icy Mike will only show that he fears Roley more than he does a stranger who has no particular hatred for him. He said as much when he wrote,

“Icy is worth 100 Roley's and such a better person to fight. At least I compare Mike to me and be like I lost to that guy... If it Roley, my God I would have PTSD every time I saw rubber chicken for the shame alone…”

So Collins will face Icy Mike and lose, and then stay safe at home as Roley teaches a seminar only a short distance away. He claims he is done with Roley and moving on to other things. But it possibly will only hold until after the seminar in Lexington.

But for now, Collins is throwing in the towel and giving up talk of driving to Colorado to threaten Roley’s family. That, at least, is a positive outcome for everyone involved.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Ron Collins: Threats, Sad Defeats, Pointless Arguments

It seems the sad story of Ron Collins is coming to a close, not with any great fanfare, but with a sad series of bizarre public stunts that appear set to culminate in a week. Self-described "Sensei" Ron Collins, after posting on a mixed martial arts forum to gain support for his harassment campaign direct at martial arts instructor Don Roley, agreed to a fight challenge on August 26th in Virginia under the auspices of "Street Beefs," a backyard fight organization that posts its participants' fights on YouTube.

Ron's opponent is one Mike Pesesko, the owner of RKM Training, a personal training company in Myrtle Beach. Pesesko is 5 foot 5 and 145 pounds, while Collins is 5 foot 4 and around 185 pounds (although he claims to have lost weight since that measurement). The two are more or less the same age, in their 30s. Pesesko is a kickboxer and personal trainer who has a white belt in BJJ; Collins has, for all intents and purposes, no training at all. The bout, should it occur, will be truly interesting.

Right now, Collins appears to have traveled by train to somewhere in Virginia a week early, to appear in a location where he is not expected for an event that is not yet scheduled. Your guess is as good as ours as to why that's the case. There is much speculation as to whether Collins will show up for his scheduled match with "Icy Mike" Pesesko.

Collins' participation at the discussion forums have been a bit... troubling, to say the least. While the participants here can't know of the extensive history that Ron has harassing and threatening people and their families online, they have been entirely dismissive of Ron's arrest record and bizarrely encouraging of Ron himself. Infamous progressive podcaster Bob Carson, a far-left internet personality who is very chummy with Frank Dux and Radford "Ashida Kim" Davis, interviewed both Collins and Pesesko on separate evenings.

The shows were dreadful, fraught with the usual production issues that have plagued Carson's show for the entirety of its online run. As Carson wheezed into the microphone or the broadcast dropped out entirely for long swaths of dead air, listeners could hear Collins and Pesesko drinking in the attention. If nothing else, the Ron Collins/Icy Mike bout will be a testament to the arrogant narcissism that characterizes people willing to fight strangers from the Internet... if the fight happens at all.

A week out from the bout, there is still great doubt as to whether the match will indeed take place. Collins made an appearance at, as ThePinkman on YouTube called it, "homosexual dating app", where the site's resident legal expert took apart Collins' claims of having skirted a legal trap when he backed down from Don Roley in Kentucky in 2016. As he typically does, Collins quickly abandoned that discussion thread, but not before insulting the participants at's "OtherGround" discussion forum. These are, of course, the same people Collins has been using for attention since using a proxy to post about his trip to Colorado to menace Don Roley's family.

It is worth remembering that, no matter what happens, there is real danger that Collins will only add Pesesko to the list of people about whom he obsesses. In recent weeks he has become increasingly brazen about the threats he makes against his perceived enemies and their loved ones -- threats that include implied arson, assault, and murder.

Law enforcement in West Virginia has, of course, been notified. No matter what happens on the 26th, though, it seems the long, sad misadventure that is Ron Collins' antics over the last couple of years will slowly fade from public memory, perhaps leaving behind only a viral video of Ron getting beaten... and perhaps leaving nothing at all.

Collins has himself built up his appearance at Street Beefs as something that somehow redeems his claims as long as he simply shows up.

We will see, or we won't. No matter what happens, though, it is unlikely Ron Collins will go on to become a productive member of the martial arts community online.

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

The Ride of Shame: Crybully Ron Collins Tucks Tail And Rides the Rails

As this blog goes online, Ron Collins is fleeing back home, tail between his legs. When this blog said last week that Collins probably was already out of Colorado, that was a mistake. Collins was still in the Denver area, but his car had broken down and he was living as a homeless person. But yesterday he left after a person who openly despises him took pity on him and bought him a train ticket home. None of Collins’ friends would help him in his plight and he had to rely on the kindness of an enemy.

Collins made this Colorado trip for the stated purpose of facing Don Roley and fighting him. He posted multiple manic YouTube videos about this during the trip, which he only revealed after the fact. But his stated purpose, that of facing Don Roley, was proved to be a lie. He didn’t want to face Roley; he just wanted to threaten Roley's family.

The excuse Collins had been giving for talking about showing up on Roley’s doorstep and forcing a fight on him was that Roley wouldn’t meet him on any sort of neutral ground. He rejected the idea of going to the seminar Roley is having next month in Maryland with the excuses that it was a legal trap and/or that he would be set upon by several people and beaten to a pulp. Of course, even when official Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) matches had been set up for him to participate in, he rejected those as well. He would not accept anything as neutral ground, so he said that in order to face Roley he would have to show up where Roley’s children sleep and, “Cripple him in his living room in front of his family.”

But really, would Collins have a chance against Roley like that? In Kentucky Collins was very eager to hide behind four other men as they faced Roley for him. When those men he brought stepped aside, Roley stood on the mat waiting for Collins to come at him. Instead, Collins turned and fled. It is hard to believe that Collins would ever risk directly facing Roley again after that show of cowardice. The threat to show up on his doorstep was obviously made to get Roley’s family involved. This would be proved during Collins’ misadventure in Colorado.

Collins was in the Denver area only during his stay in Colorado. He never went down to where Roley lives in Colorado Springs. The two are about an hour’s drive from each other. It was close enough so that he could have driven down unexpectedly at any time, but he never did. After a few days in Denver, Collins’ car had its transmission die and he was stranded on foot. In the end, he had to leave on a train paid for by someone else after a few days of living on the street after his money ran out.

This might have all been worth it in his mind if he could have gotten some sort of win. He reached out to a forum devoted to MMA and joined them, attempting to gain their sympathy and help. He maintained that he was the victim, as he always does. He was unable to understand that the members considered both him and Roley idiots and were largely mocking him. But some did start to feel sorry for him as he maintained that he wanted a neutral venue for the fight with Roley.

In the last few days, it became obvious that he really did have no car and thus the threat to Roley’s family was not a viable one. Roley then went on the offensive, telling the world that he was willing to meet in a gym or something like that to face Collins now that he knew his family wouldn’t have a visit while he was away, supposably to face Collins. From that point, the tables turned on Collins as it became more and more obvious that he was avoiding a fight and Roley was very eager to meet the man that threatened his family.

Roley appealed to the MMA forum to set up a match that would be legal. He is a father who has to take care of his family and he pointed out that mutual consent fights are legal in Colorado, but they must be in the right venue. If they happen in public, both sides can face up to 18 months in jail. Collins then made it clear that he would only fight in public where they would be arrested. This started the change in the way the MMA forum felt about him as all the other members pointed out that Roley was right and that the fight had to go on outside the eyes of the public or arrests would be made. They even got together and tried to get a hotel room to rent for the fight to go on. Collins, living on the street at the time, rejected this idea.

Collins tried to maintain that he wanted to fight, without actually doing anything to make that possible. Even though Roley made it clear that he was not going to fight on the streets, or perhaps because of it, Collins made a little video where he claimed that he was at a certain street corner and would be there for two hours. As stated, the time to drive to the Denver area would be about an hour and he gave no warning so that Roley could be aware of it. It is really doubtful that he was there the entire two hours as well, as his later behavior shows.

Roley put up the following video where he outlined that Collins presence in Colorado wasn’t to fight anyone, but instead threaten his family.

Collins’ response was not a denial that he was threatening them nor contrition if anyone thought he was. Instead he wrote, “And as for Don's family... Fuck his family.” He went on to threaten the families of a few other people in the thread. Sympathy for Collins dropped even more. Collins went on several more times to make implied threats against the families of everyone he does not like, and whom he blames for the sad state of affairs that is his life.

Finally, Collins talked about how he was willing to fight if it was at the train station. One member called for action in finding a gym or other place that would be legal. Roley sent a message that he was fine with the idea. Collins originally said he was as well, but by 7 the next morning had reversed himself and said he was done with Roley. A comment from one of the members who lived in Denver gave the impression that he had a venue lined up for the next day. Roley said he would go.

Yesterday, July tenth, was the day set up and the day Collins had to leave at 7:10 pm. Roley used a friend who was registered with the MMA site to communicate. He left his house at 8:30 and was at a library when it opened 10 in the Denver area. Then he waited. Collins went silent.

As it turns out, there was no venue set up. It was a mistake in communications. The member, named “Phuckles” said that he wanted to view and record the fight, but didn’t have a place they could use out of the eyes of the public. He offered to pick up Collins if a venue could be set up. The MMA members desperately tried to find a place. All the while, Collins was silent and refused to respond.

Finally, Phuckles said that he had a life to lead and that he was giving Collins an 11:30 deadline to respond or he would have to commit to something else. 11:30 came and passed with no response from Collins. Roley announced that without Phuckles help, he didn’t see how anything could happen and he was going home.

An hour later, Collins came back online and started accusing Roley of ducking him.

As this goes on line, Collins is riding the rails, sitting on a train paid for by someone who laughs at him every day. He is probably writing another blog accusing Roley of being a coward and blaming a vast conspiracy for all of the things he hates about himself. He already put up a blog saying that Roley was lying about being at the library in Denver. He demands a video or other proof. Think about that for a moment: Collins couldn't adequately prove that he was in Colorado when asked, to the point that there was great doubt he was even there... but Roley has to prove that Roley is in the state where Roley resides? If any of that makes sense to you, you might be Ron Collins.

After all this came to light, the sentiment on the Mixed Martial Arts forum was universally negative where Collins is concerned. He had, in fact, humiliated himself again, this time in front of a huge audience of MMA fans and exponents who had no reason to know he existed before.

Collins is now without a car, probably completely out of money, and has no support from anyone at the MMA forum or elsewhere to travel again. His attempt to threaten the lives of Roley’s family members has left him without anything to show for it. He undoubtedly will continue his harassment and threats once he is safely sleeping on a couch in West Virginia. He has already started his threats again to show up at Roley’s house. But without help from others, it really is not likely.

Like everything Collins does, this misadventure to Colorado only hurt him. We leave it to Collins on that long, boring train ride back to West Virginia to think about how badly he has made a fool of himself yet again. He has lost... and he is the only one who seems not to know it.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Ron Collins Pretending to be in Colorado

Ron Collins seems to have gone to Colorado, and is now on his way home after never following through with his many threats. While it appears his intent was to menace Roley, it seems he wasn't in the state when he said he was, causing his elaborate plan to fall flat on its face.

Today is the one month point after Collins claimed he would be going to confront Don Roley at Roley's home. A few days ago, he said he was in Colorado. On the first, he posted pictures from a few days prior that show him supposedly entering Colorado. But in all that time, he doesn’t seem to have gone near where Roley lives. Instead, after a few days of relative silence while he was presumably on the road, he has gone back to posting for ten or so hours a day.

Aside from his blogs, he is now posting on a mixed martial arts forum trying to gain their sympathy for his plight. He doesn’t seem to be aware that all the participants are laughing at him. Not a single one will take his side. But he spends hour after hour trying to convince them that he is a modern master of strategy and ninjutsu.

The speculation is that he only posted the photos of him in Colorado after he was safely back across the state line and in Kansas. Since the first, he has posted no photos or any sort of proof that he is on Colorado. Considering his past history of running from any fight he can, it is natural to assume that he only announced he was there after he was not.

According to the videos Collins posted, he entered Colorado on the 27th of June. A week later, he still has done nothing. Well, aside from spending time on the internet.

When he posted the videos of him in Colorado, he quoted Sun Tzu in saying that you should make the enemy think you are far when you are near, and near when you are far. So it follows that if Collins is saying that he is in Colorado, he probably is high-tailing it back to West Virginia. He may already be there.

If Collins is found in Colorado, he is probably facing several felonies. He may know that. To avoid being picked up in his white Saturn with telltale front-end damage and West Virginia plates, he probably fled Colorado and posted the videos that were by then several days old.

This may not make sense to most, but Collins is a mental patient who seemingly refuses to take his medicine. When he went to Florida, he claimed it was to put Barron Shepperd in his place. But Collins didn’t fight him even when challenged to go inside the gym and settle things four times. When he got home after running from Shepperd, he started to declare victory in some bizarre manner.

Smart money is saying that in a few days, Collins will reveal that he is not in Colorado anymore and that it was some sort of secret ninja mind control. He will use this little trip to just inside the border of Colorado to somehow justify not facing Roley on the neutral ground of Roley's seminar in Maryland.

Collins fears Roley and fears having his lack of skill shown to all the world if they ever come to blows in front of a camera. Collins lives his entire life on the internet. Even in Colorado, he can’t stay off of it long enough to do anything else. The image he tries to present of himself on Facebook and other areas is that of a skilled street fighter. That image will be destroyed if Roley takes him down as he was willing to do in Kentucky.

So, Collins is probably back in West Virginia right now and all that remains now is for him to declare a "victory" that exists only in his mind.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

What's the Deal with Ron Collins' Creepy Tinder-Profile Picture?

Previously in RonCollinsFacts, we talked about the creepy public bathroom selfie Ron Collins posted to Facebook. It has been three and a half weeks since Ron wrote that he was "done talking" about martial artist Don Roley. He said, in that blog, that he was going to travel to Colorado to confront Don Roley and fight him. As this is posted, Collins is still in West Virginia and hasn’t made any effort to travel.

Of course, he says it will happen at some point. But he has made similar claims about the lawsuit he threatened, and 8 months later no one has been served with any papers. It can be expected that Collins will scream and rant about how he is going to go fight Roley for as long as he thinks he can milk it for, but in the end find an excuse to not show up.

Instead of going to Colorado, Collins has been very busy trying to attack Roley on the internet. One of the latest tactics is to try to convince people that Roley is somehow sexually abusing his children. No one is taking him seriously. Looking over what he writes. His theory only makes sense if you are a mental patient who refuses to take his medication.

The great irony of course is that it is Collins who has a legal record involving young girls. He was convicted of contributing to delinquency of a minor. In court papers made available by Ron Collins himself, it was alleged that he tried to ply an underage girl with liquor and possibly pills (Collins disputes this last point, to the best of our knowledge). Some years later, Collins was arrested for having child pornography on his computer -- material that he did not deny was there. No, rather than say it never happened, he claimed a relative was responsible for downloading the material to his computer. The situation escalated to the point that Ron was arrested for making "terroristic threats" against a police officer and court officials involved in the matter. Collins spent several months in jail and then the authorities, rather than pursue the various issues for which he had been arrested, chose to send him to a mental hospital (despite his protestations that he was sane and could stand trial) for treatment. Ultimately, he was released, apparently in an agreement with authorities there that he take his medication and stay out of trouble. Looking at the obsessive nature of his attacks, taking hours every day to write, it looks like Collins may be off his meds (whatever they are).

Collins has previously claimed that it was the underage girls who originally came onto HIM at the mall. This is clearly delusional, as even when he was younger, thinner, and had hair, he was hardly the sort of person women would find attractive. This is a screen shot from Ashida Kim's old forum where Collins (posting as "Draven Azropht," the same name he gave to the protagonist of his poorly written fantasy novel, "The Brass Keep") told his bizarre version of events:

"Here is the story. I met these girls when I was working at the mall. They are both like 13, their parents would drop them off for like 6 to 12 hours during the summer, everyday they where out of school. One of these girls, throws herself at any man who will talk to her & decided she wanted me..."
Why would Collins make such creepy statements about young girls? Possibly for the same reason that he would hang around in public bathrooms taking pictures of himself sucking in his gut. In our opinion, someone like this targets younger girls because he has no chance with a real woman his own age. To state the obvious, Collins is not what real women look for.

In terms of his looks, he has these things going against him:

  • He is short at only 5'4" according to his booking photo.
  • He is horribly fat, soft, and out of shape.
  • In his thirties, he has a very embarrassing bald spot that presents in an unusual shape -- a shape that makes his head look like the male sexual organ.
  • In all his photos he appears to be wearing one of perhaps only three shirts. It seems as though he is homeless, or living so close to the edge of the poverty line that he is functionally homeless. We cannot imagine someone in those circumstances bathes regularly or even often, which probably means he smells of body odor.
  • He is constantly disheveled, from his facial hair to what is left of the hair on his head to his general appearance. He presents as a homeless person even if he is not one.

Now, it is a fact that adult women gauge the attractiveness of a potential sexual partner based on material and physical factors. That means that Ron Collins has these factors against him that have nothing to do with his appearance:

  • He is apparently unable to hold a job and lives of some kind of government assistance.
  • He spent time involuntarily in a mental institution, William Sharpe Hospital.
  • He is, by all accounts (such as in the Beckley, West Virginia Topix forums) a local laughingstock, the type of "character" whom everybody seems to know about and whom nobody takes very seriously.

In terms of Collins' personality, he has these strikes against him:

  • Court documentation that Collins provided publicly indicates that a court-appointed psychologist evaluated Collins, determining him to be a "malignant narcissist" who suffers from "irrational grandiosity" and who is also bipolar.
  • Collins is a bully and a coward, who has repeatedly made threats online and who attacks the families of those people with whom he is angry.
  • Collins backs down from confrontations with adult men, such as Don Roley, but has shown a willingness to bully those he thinks are weaker than he is. He was charged with stalking and assault of a young girl in West Virginia, for example. While the court was not able to secure a conviction, a videotape of Collins confronting the girl in a Wal-Mart was apparently introduced into evidence -- and the behavior Collins exhibited was considered compelling enough by the prosecution that they included it.

There are plenty of other reasons that Ron Collins might not be the sort of person a woman finds attractive, but it should be obvious from what he, himself has said publicly that he has little chance of ever achieving a relationship with a real woman. He appears desperately to want one, going so far as to refer to a "girlfriend" who, to the best we can determine, does not exist. He is a sad little man who will probably live out his days alone and unloved. At 37 years old, he has never been married, never had children, and has no prospects for romance. He has accomplished nothing, contributed nothing to the world, and has no friends of any substance. (As evidence of that, Collins tried for a month to raise funds through a crowdfunding site to establish a martial arts school. His friends on social media contributed exactly zero dollars to the effort and Ron was reduced to claiming the whole thing was "bait" in some imaginary plot he supposedly concocted.)

Young girls are easier to manipulate than grown women. Women of legal age who are still teenagers fall into this category, too. A man who is afraid of women his own age, or simply cannot establish relationships with them, naturally gravitates to the very young. This may explain Collins' conviction for Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor, and it may explain the arrest for allegedly downloading child pornography. We can only speculate as to why those charges did not move forward, but we do know that there is a meticulous standard of evidence that must be met to prosecute a crime like that.

Collins loves to show off on the internet. He is very open about anything he thinks can impress others. When you consider this, the lack of any mention, photo or anything else that would indicate that he had a love in his life is proof enough that he has none. With a person like Collins, the second any woman gave him any attention he would be posting things about her 24/7. But that is not the case. Why, then, has he mentioned a girlfriend from time to time in the total absence of any real woman giving him the time of day?

One of the reasons may be that Collins is engaged in some very unsavory behavior. Don Roley seems to have really irritated Collins with a recent blog exposing what appears to be an attempt by Collins to "groom" a young girl. On social media, Collins posted about supposedly trying to help a young woman. In Collins' own words on social media,

I had the pleasure of knowing that I was able to talk to a child, who went through hell suffer from drug addiction herself, suffering from an abusive father and step father…

If God blesses me and I win my lawsuit against the State. I am going to bless others, beginning with a non-profit organization to help troubled teens out of poverty and toxic environment. A martial arts half way half house, to train leaders and to have those leaders attend college to become lawyers to work for another non-profit dealing with only police abuse cases as part of violations of a civil rights. Some of these kids will be running similar halfway houses in other parts of the state and other states. I will get other martial artists of other systems involved as well...

And that child I told this to... Oh she, her mother and father are going to help to help other families struggling with addiction and the associated problems attached with addiction.

They are not getting back togather but they are gonna lead the way for for daughter. There daughter is gonna help me with a program for other kids who have been sexually abused. Instead of feeling like they are being judged by talking to a councilor, they will be sharing stories... Helping each other heal. And help not just each other heal but other kids as well as the program spreads and know their are people who understand and can help them cope.

As such I am working on a program for parents and kids to deal with spotting sex abusers and dealing with the grooming behavior for these types. When dealing with said abused children much of our "martial arts" training with be based on a Christian Karate Program and yes scripture will be part of the training. Call it Christian Philosophy. However, that is my program and I ask each instructor reading this to develop their own program. This isn't just about me but our faith in whatever higher power ypu claim and helping people help themselves.
Since leaving jail and the mental hospital a couple of years ago, Collins has repeatedly gone to the well of Christianity in an attempt to make himself look better. Despite this appeal to "God," looking at the total of what Collins wrote is very disturbing. A person involved in education, trained in what to look for regarding the warning signs of child grooming, read that passage and commented to this effect:
I work in education. and the whole process he is describing is by the book grooming. I can't count how many hours i've spent in meetings learning to spot these specific behaviors. Especially given the past he has regarding this exact issue I find that post extremely alarming and raises more than a few red flags... Even if he had no history of [alleged] sexual misconduct, that post would still gain my attention. 
Given his history, that post is terrifying me, especially because most abusers don't believe they are abusers. They justify their behaviors and excuse themselves as an exception to the rule. (i.e... All the stuff about some children having gone through hell or lived through experiences many adults haven't.) What he's basically doing is creating a scenario in his head where this child is not a child. That is my fear. With that being said, i'm not a psychologist but his post, in conjunction with his documented history [of Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor] are very troublesome.
Taking the above into account, combined with the lack of evidence Collins can point to for his accusations, it would appear that the recent attempts to portray Roley as a sexual abuser is a projection of his own darkest desires. Collins of course hates Roley for many reasons, but one of the biggest is the recent blog in which Roley lays out all the comments that are so indicative of someone grooming another young victim for sexual abuse.

We can perhaps expect more attempts by Collins to try to make this accusation stick. In the meantime, he will continue to post elaborate rationalizations for why Roley and all others who have confronted and humiliated him are, in Collins' mind, ducking him. The reality is this:
  • Ron Collins had the chance to spar Don Roley in Kentucky, was invited to do so, and instead ran away.
  • Ron Collins had the chance to spar another martial artist in Florida, was invited to do so, and instead ran away.
  • All the elaborate rationalizations Ron spins now, and the bizarre and disgusting accusations he is making, are projection and attempts to obfuscate the reality of what has happened.
Ron Collins is not a martial artist. He is not a martial arts teacher. He holds no legitimate rank in any recognized martial arts system. He has no school. He has no actual students. He holds no job. He has few friends. He is, in short, the sort of person no one could love -- and whom no one would even want to spend time around.

This may explain why he's been reduced to taking pictures with his shirt up in public bathrooms... but we can only guess.

Sunday, June 25, 2017

Ron Collins Posts a Digitally Altered Selfie

It is now the third week since Ron Collins announced that he was "done talking." Since that time, he has done nothing BUT talk, desperate to rewrite history after being humiliated by Don Roley in Kentucky. Collins, who fantasizes about being a martial artist and street fighter, tried and failed to challenge Roley -- only for his courage to fail him when both he and Roley were mere steps from mats on which Roley invited Collins to spar. Collins has been obsessed with his failure since that time. His solution? Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk, at times engaging in reckless and malicious libel. He hates Roley so much that it is eating him alive... and he hates that Roley's friends make fun of Collins online.

In late June, 2017, Ron Collins published several seemingly libelous, creepy, and threatening videos about Don Roley. One of these videos was immediately taken down from YouTube for violating the site's terms of service. He then began uploading videos to another site in the hopes that the new site's TOS would be more lenient. The videos were immediately age-gated as "explicit content."

Bizarrely, Collins took a break from his non-stop campaign against Roley and his family to publish the following "selfie" to Facebook. To our knowledge, Collins has never before taken a photo of himself showing off his flabby gut or his sunken chest.

Observers familiar with Ron Collins were immediately curious. The photo looked strange, as if Ron Collins were taller than he normally appears. He is roughly 5'3" or thereabouts and generally quite heavy. Witnesses who encountered him in Florida reported that he appeared to be in poor health and wheezing with the effort of moving around. So who is this seemingly much taller, much thinner person, and why do the tiles in the wall next to him seem to be so distorted? Specifically, the tiles in the upper portion of the photo appear longer than the tiles in the lower portion of the photo.

Submitting the photo to an online analyzer, which checks for distortions created by photo editing programs, produced the following results:

In other words, the photo was likely edited in a freeware program like Gimp -- exactly the sort of software someone like Collins, who lives at or below poverty level, would tend to use. Compressing the photo to more "normal" dimensions and comparing the two produces the following image, in which Collins appears to be sucking in his gut in order to appear thinner:

The clincher, however, is found in comparing the size and apparent length of Ron's head (with its distinctly unattractive male-pattern baldness) to the many mugshots of Ron found online. His head is very round in shape -- not oblong as it appears in the seemingly edited photo.

All this begs the questions: Why would Collins suddenly be uploading altered pictures of himself, made to look thinner, in which he preens vainly in front of a mirror with his shirt up? Why is he doing it in a public bathroom? We know that Collins is desperately poor. Is he, in fact, homeless? This would explain the bathroom antics and also why he changed his address in his court case to his PO Box: he does not have a stable residence address and probably couch-surfs with whomever takes pity on him. Stripping down in a public bathroom is the sort of thing someone reduced to turning tricks for pocket change would do. Has Collins sunk so low? We cannot say.

More to the point, it says a lot that Collins thought he could get away with this deception. He must know that anyone who meets him in real life would not be fooled by this distorted photo. Clearly, he spends much more time and effort on his fictional Internet persona (calling himself "Sensei Collins" in the third person even though he has never earned that rank) than on improving himself in real life. He must have very few real friends, and likely encounters almost no actual people, preferring instead to reinvent himself with Internet fantasies. This photo is simply a testament to that fact.

Thursday, June 22, 2017

The Common Denominator in Ron Collins' Woes

Ron Collins seemed surprised when the members of the Black Dragon Fighting Society stepped aside and let him make the choice to fight Don Roley or not. Collins acted very brave as long as they were between him and Roley. He made a big show of moving toward Roley when he knew they were there to hold him back. But when the choice was his to fight or not, he fled and claimed that he would rather sue Roley and many others instead.

So what has happened with this lawsuit? The answer is, nothing really.

As Collins tells it, first he will sue the prosecutors that sent him to jail and to a mental hospital. He claims to want 25 million dollars. That will clear his name and prove that he is not insane and all his legal troubles are the result of a conspiracy against him by the police, a local motorcycle gang and perhaps the emperor of Japan. The child pornography arrest, the dropped charges for terroristic threats, and all his other charges and legal hassles are all bogus according to him -- and that will be proved, he says, when he gets his day in court and clears his name. He seems to ask people to put off judgement on him based on his many arrests (and on the significant time he has spent in jail and in William Sharpe mental hospital) until things are settled in this first lawsuit.

Then he claims that he will sue others who have exposed him on the internet, including Roley.

One would think that anyone who thought a lawsuit would clear his name would work hard on it. Indeed, Collins has used the excuse that he was too busy working industriously on his legal case to follow through with his own numerous fight challenges. But no one has been served with any papers at all. Not a single person. He went to the trouble of filing some papers, and gleefully put them up on a blog to show he was pursuing the lawsuit. But after that, nothing at all has happened.

As noted, Collins is a bully and a coward. He has tried to use threats to cause his victims to worry since direct action by him would be useless. His threatening of Roley’s family is an example, but he has also tried to use the threat of a lawsuit to achieve the same aims. He talks and talks about a lawsuit, reminding people that they can expect to be in court, but he never goes through with any action.

No lawyer will take his case, not even the most sleazy ambulance chaser. He claims to be representing himself. That is telling in many ways. For one, it shows he has no case to speak of. Some of the worst lawyers will take any case with any chance of success and then try to negotiate a settlement instead of taking it to a court of law. That even the most money hungry lawyer would refuse this case means it has no merit at all and would be just a waste of time.

Also, it means that Collins is not eager to get the case in a court of law. He has been talking about lawsuits for years, and nothing has been done to move things to where the issues can be settled. That is because Collins must know that he has no case. A defeat in a courtroom would put the final nail in the coffin of his claims that he was set up -- that he isn’t an insane petty criminal, honest.

As long as the court case is somewhere in the future, there is no final decision as to whether he was set up by a cabal of conspirators. With no resolution to this neverending threat of a lawsuit, this conspiracy (which exists only in his mind) can remain his excuse for anything he does not do and everything he fails in doing. It is therefore in Collins’ interest to keep talking about the lawsuit, but never take action on it.

At this point, the only question is what excuse Collins will use once it is clear that there will be no lawsuit. Will he keep trying to say it is coming? Or will he make an excuse as to why he had to drop the idea altogether?

In any case, one can be sure that Collins will continue to use the excuse of being busy with the lawsuit when he wants to duck something. Nothing will ever enter a courtroom to be tried. This whole, sad fantasy will simply become yet another in a string of failures. These failures characterize Collins' life. He lives in a fantasy world in which he is a "sensei" and some kind of ninja master, a person of power and authority. The sad reality that he is a poverty-stricken, couch-surfing loser is something he will spend the rest of his life trying to avoid thinking about. Collins is, sadly, the common denominator in all his problems, and he will never be able to run away from this fact no matter how hard he tries.

Monday, June 19, 2017

"I Meant To Do That" -- The Ron Collins Shuffle

Today marks two weeks since Ron Collins wrote that on his blog he was “done talking” about the person he seems to hate most in the world, respected martial artist Don Roley. Since that time, he has done nothing but talk.

Collins seems absolutely obsessed with Roley, in fact -- most likely because Roley utterly humiliated him in Kentucky last October, forcing Collins to come to grips with the difference between reality and Collins' fantasies. Ron Collins desperately wants to be seen as a person of authority and power. He is neither, and lives mired in poverty. He is, in fact, practically homeless, so there is obviously a note of jealousy that tinges his obsession. Roley, and the other people in the circles where Roley travels, represent everything Ron wants to be.

He has whined at length on his blog about how he'll never have a family and a "normal life." Seeing family men and successful martial artists enjoying their lives obviously pains him, as he lives hand to mouth off government payouts and appears in every video wearing one of three shirts that he seems to own. It is a sad life, and no doubt Ron's fantasies of being a ninja-mind-control-master, a "sensei" (a title he loves to apply to himself in the third person on his Shadow Warrior Press page on Facebook), are what make each miserable day more bearable for him.

The fact that Ron hates everyone who has more than he has, or who has accomplished more than he has, and the fact that he is the sort of coward who would threaten a person's family out of that jealous, is key to understanding Collins and his tactics. He is a bully, and most bullies are cowards. Several people have expressed concern about his threats, but no one really should take them seriously.

To look into Collins’ mind, look at the video of his appearance at the seminar by Don Roley (which Collins uploaded to his own YouTube channel believing that it made him look good). When other members of the Black Dragon Fighting Society are between Roley and Collins, Ron makes a big show of wanting to fight Roley, knowing his buddies will hold him back. But when Roley outmaneuvers Collins’ plan to get someone else to fight in his place, his body language shows he is in terror. He begins hugging himself in an extremely obvious and awkward way. He makes an excuse that he would rather sue and flees as soon as can while thinking he is saving face. He then obsessed over his humiliating defeat the entire drive back to West Virginia, going so far as to upload a video while still on the road.

That is Collins in a nutshell: Act tough when you are safe, but never actually follow through.

Collins has threatened Roley’s family. He has tried to be cagey about it, but dozens of people have read what he wrote and no one besides Collins take his statements as anything other than a threat. As Collins tries to word it, Roley has ducked him and so he has no choice but to show up on Roley’s doorstep to challenge him. While he tries to claim this is not a threat to Roley's family, he goes out of his way to make references to them in the same sentence as he talks about violence. Furthermore, he keeps trying to portray Roley as "someone who will not protect his family." There is no reason to couch it that way unless Ron wants to make it clear that he is the threat from which Roley must protect his family.

Obviously, this would be very serious in a legal sense IF Collins was to follow through. But he has never followed through. Not once. Ron Collins has been posting to martial arts boards, forums, and groups on the Internet since the year 2000 if not earlier. In all that time he has repeatedly lied about his background and his manufactured ninja style. He has lied about the black belts he supposedly holds. He has lied about his military service (claiming for years to have been "Force Recon" in the Marines, among other things).

He has repeatedly challenged and been challenged to matches with martial artists sick of his bluster, yet found a way to back out each and every time. In Kentucky in 2016 he was a dozen steps away from stepping onto a mat with Don Roley and was invited to do so with four people to back him up and videotape the match... and he refused and ran. In Florida in 2017, he was face to face with another martial artist whom he had repeatedly insulted and challenged and was yet again given the opportunity to spar then and there. He instead climbed back into his little jalopy of a car and rode away, only returning to making challenges and fight demands when he was safely at home and far away from anyone who could take him up on the offer.

Ron's pattern of behavior in all cases, not just with Roley, has been to talk tough but flee any actual chance at violence. He has never gotten in a cage to fight with anyone. The only person we know he may have physically attacked was a young girl he was threatening in a Wal-Mart -- video footage that was shown at Ron's trial for stalking and assault. Sadly, he was acquitted of those charges; the consensus seems to be that the trial occurred to far after the events in question, and the girl was herself not a credible witness. Ron's history of arrests for stalking and violence speaks for itself, however.

Ron never fights an adult male on equal terms unless he thinks he can surprise them (such as the police officer who was forced to put Ron on the floor when Ron became irate dealing with a court case). In any case where Ron might face someone who was prepared to fight back, Ron has found an excuse to avoid going through with it and later tried to spin things as a "win" for him. In fact, no matter what Ron does, no matter how he fails, no matter who humiliates him by taking him up on his constant fight challenges, he always claims later that his failures were all bait in masterful acts of ninja-mind-control-manipulation. In other words, no matter what he does and no matter how hard he fails, he "meant to do that" no matter how silly this sounds.

Some of Roley’s friends were concerned enough to contact the police in Beckley, West Virginia, where Ron lives. The police there know him and are aware of his antics. In fact, they have been sent screen captures of each and every one of his threats, and those threats have been passed on to the prosecutor in Raleigh County. No one in Beckley seems to take Ron very seriously, however.

Collins can’t deal with Roley in person, so he seeks to do harm to him with online threats. But since there is no chance of Ron showing up (nor would the car Ron is driving likely make it from West Virginia to Colorado), it is only cause for laughter. As more and more time goes by, those that were concerned by Ron now realize his "I meant to do that" patented verbal shuffle is just posturing. Collins is now backtracking, saying that it won’t be this month, nor will it be next month that he confronts Roley at Roley's home. Maybe it will be sometime after that, according to him. Those that know Collins expect this to go the way of the lawsuit that he threatened to bring against Roley as he fled the seminar months ago. Nothing is going to happen, nothing ever will happen, and Ron will continue making threats online as long as these bring him attention.

When Collins made his threat to follow up on Roley’s doorstep, he evidently was not aware that there already  was a seminar by Roley scheduled in August in Maryland. Collins excuse for threatening to show up on Roley’s doorstep was that he could not reach him elsewhere to challenge him. Well, now that there is a place a lot closer but not involving Roley’s family, Collins is making excuses. He doesn't want to go to Maryland, he says; he wants to go to Colorado. This is all part of the Ron Collins Shuffle. He wants to make threats and then do anything BUT give an adult male the chance to fight him on equal terms.

Collins wrote this on his blog recently:
“I don't care what anyone thinks... I posted my blog I am done talking June 5th and Don posted his event in DC for August, so why set an event in August unless he is either a) avoiding me or b) hiding behind his family…”
If you fail to see logic behind the statement, you are not alone. Maybe Collins did not know that the first announcement of the seminar was on May 18th, so it could not have been set up just to deal with Collins’ threat. But Roley made a video telling Ron that if he wanted to do anything he would be at the seminar. How can that be avoiding Collins? And if Roley set up a seminar close to Collins but far from his family, how can that be hiding behind his family?

Collins believes that by repeatedly threatening Don Roley's family, he can make Roley look bad. He has tried to say that Roley is somehow involving his own family, but this is absurd. Collins had the chance to confront Roley in Kentucky and could not do it. Collins wants to do anything but confront Roley again in person because he has seen with his own eyes that Roley considers him a joke. Bullies hate people who do not fear them. Collins does not want to deal with Roley in person because this will only humiliate him again.

Ultimately, Collins is a sad little man reduced to trying to intimidate people from behind the safety of his computer. No one who knows him actually thinks that he will follow through with his threats. That is not to say that a few people aren’t documenting the pages and pages that Collins has written in case he does snap. For example, if by some miracle Ron Collins did go to Colorado (just as if he went to the home states of the various other people he seems to obsess in hatred over), this will set in motion various legal wheels that will result in Collins being charged with serious crimes. He would be seen as a valid threat in that case. But while he stays safely in West Virginia he cannot reach Roley’s family and is being treated by the legal system as just another crazed lunatic trying to act brave after his humiliation at Roley's hands.

As long as Ron stays safely in Beckley, West Virginia, there is no cause for alarm. Ron has lived in that small town his entire life. He is considered a local joke and will never leave. He will live out his life there and eventually pass away in obscurity. No one will mourn him, assuming his frail, elderly mother has already passed. He will be utterly, completely alone, and the only testament to his life will be the countless Internet posts he made in which he was essentially screaming into the wind, demanding that people notice him and take him seriously.

No one should take Ron Collins seriously. Instead, they should see him as the grand comedy he represents. But they should also view him with pity... as this is someone who will never amount to anything in life and, sadly, who is very aware of that fact. But... perhaps he "meant to do that," too. Perhaps he meant to live his life as a joke. If that's true, it would be the one time he has ever been successful in any of his endeavors.

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Things You Shouldn't Say Online, Part Two

On June fifth, Ron Collins wrote a blog titled, “I am done talking.” In it, he vowed to travel to Colorado to confront Don Roley on his doorstep. In the time since he wrote that he was finished talking, Collins has written multiple blogs  attacking Roley (which, when printed, are tens of pages long each), videos doing the same (one in which he sounds hoarse and tired, as if the strain of his delusions is getting to him) and typing literally dozens of pages of comments about how he hates Roley and is going to go sue him (either before or after he travels to his home).

In the years that Collins has been active on the internet, he has made numerous threats to go see someone and do violence. Not once has it gone all the way to exchanging blows. There is always an excuse from Collins to avoid such conflict, or an accusation that the other person is to blame for his inaction. It has caused him to be a subject of scorn and mirth by thousands of people.

When Collins faced Roley from behind four members of the Black Dragon Fighting Society in October 2016 in Kentucky, he probably did not expect Roley to outmaneuver him with the simple statement that Roley wasn’t going to fight anyone else first. Up until that point, Ron had acted very brave, pretending to want to come to blows and having to be restrained by those with him. But when his companions said that he was free to fight, he changed tack and vowed revenge of a legal sort and retreated as fast as he could. It was a complete humiliation in public. He has been wrestling with that humiliation ever since, desperate to somehow spin what happened into a moral victory for himself. He has projected his cowardice onto others, accusing them of all manner of imagined crime... and still, his failure to step out onto the mats when given the opportunity to spar Roley has been posted online for the world to see. He can't accept it. He can't deal with it. It is eating him up.

In short, it broke him.

Since last October, Ron has been reduced to putting out blog after blog, video after video in an attempt to try to tear down Roley and somehow convince people that he did not back down from the chance to fight. His entire life is spent on the internet with the obsession of somehow doing damage to Roley (and the long list of other people Ron seems to hate). What do all of Ron's imagined enemies have in common? They are all people who have challenged the way Ron sees himself. They are all people who have pointed out that Ron does not have the experience, skill, temperament, or background to be a martial arts teacher. Yet Ron continues to refer to himself in the third person as "Sensei" on his Facebook "Shadow Warrior Press" page, desperate to be seen as a person of authority.

Collins has threatened Roley online. In the comment section of youtube he said that unless Roley agreed to meet him on neutral ground that he would cripple him in his living room in front of his family.

This is a serious thing, if Collins was actually going to make an effort to go through with it. The consensus is, it is mere internet bluster. Collins has a long history of it, and there is little reason to believe that he will follow through now when he has fled every chance to face someone on equal ground.

The excuse that Collins gives for running from the fight in Kentucky is that it would cause him to be sent to jail and not Roley. And yet he stood aside as Stephen Day asked for the same type of fight. He quotes a law that is not applicable in a situation where both parties consent to the confrontation. And Roley went out of his way to write a blog and post a video making it clear that Collins would not be an intruder if he came to follow through with his threat of fighting him. In such a situation, either both parties are at fault or neither can be held accountable.

Collins is trying to hide behind the law and the sickness of Roley’s wife. She has cancer and in a video Roley made it clear that any conflict had to be done in such a way that there were no legal troubles. It had to be off the street and both sides had to make it perfectly clear that it was consensual and thus no one really faced any risk of jail. In the video, he explained that it was up to him to take care of her and his children for a while after each treatment of chemo and he would not risk not being there by some fight on the street and risking Collins trying anything like claiming it was he who was attacked.

Now Collins is trying to use that against Roley in an attempt to save face. His calls for neutral ground reference the fact that they might both spend several months in jail afterwards. He knows Roley will not do that, so he presses his call because he knows he is safe from a response. He is counting on Roley caring more for his family than actually taking Collins up on his offer. This allows Collins to look tough and portray Roley as backing down.

But Roley already has a seminar set for Maryland in August. It is much closer to Collins that Colorado. He has put out a video saying that if Collins wants to talk, fight or whatever, he can do it with him there.

Obviously, Collins is already making excuses as to why he won’t confront Roley there.
Despite the escalation of threats by Collins, no one seems to seriously think he will go on the road. He has refused to give any dates when he might go, and is expected to instead try to milk it for as long as possible before coming up with another excuse to not face anyone. While he stays in West Virginia, he does not have the ability to harm Roley’s family. So he can’t be considered a viable threat. Instead, he is just another poor obsessed lunatic spending his entire day on the internet trying to damage someone without exposing himself to danger.