Monday, July 3, 2017

Ron Collins Pretending to be in Colorado

Ron Collins seems to have gone to Colorado, and is now on his way home after never following through with his many threats. While it appears his intent was to menace Roley, it seems he wasn't in the state when he said he was, causing his elaborate plan to fall flat on its face.

Today is the one month point after Collins claimed he would be going to confront Don Roley at Roley's home. A few days ago, he said he was in Colorado. On the first, he posted pictures from a few days prior that show him supposedly entering Colorado. But in all that time, he doesn’t seem to have gone near where Roley lives. Instead, after a few days of relative silence while he was presumably on the road, he has gone back to posting for ten or so hours a day.

Aside from his blogs, he is now posting on a mixed martial arts forum trying to gain their sympathy for his plight. He doesn’t seem to be aware that all the participants are laughing at him. Not a single one will take his side. But he spends hour after hour trying to convince them that he is a modern master of strategy and ninjutsu.

The speculation is that he only posted the photos of him in Colorado after he was safely back across the state line and in Kansas. Since the first, he has posted no photos or any sort of proof that he is on Colorado. Considering his past history of running from any fight he can, it is natural to assume that he only announced he was there after he was not.

According to the videos Collins posted, he entered Colorado on the 27th of June. A week later, he still has done nothing. Well, aside from spending time on the internet.

When he posted the videos of him in Colorado, he quoted Sun Tzu in saying that you should make the enemy think you are far when you are near, and near when you are far. So it follows that if Collins is saying that he is in Colorado, he probably is high-tailing it back to West Virginia. He may already be there.

If Collins is found in Colorado, he is probably facing several felonies. He may know that. To avoid being picked up in his white Saturn with telltale front-end damage and West Virginia plates, he probably fled Colorado and posted the videos that were by then several days old.

This may not make sense to most, but Collins is a mental patient who seemingly refuses to take his medicine. When he went to Florida, he claimed it was to put Barron Shepperd in his place. But Collins didn’t fight him even when challenged to go inside the gym and settle things four times. When he got home after running from Shepperd, he started to declare victory in some bizarre manner.

Smart money is saying that in a few days, Collins will reveal that he is not in Colorado anymore and that it was some sort of secret ninja mind control. He will use this little trip to just inside the border of Colorado to somehow justify not facing Roley on the neutral ground of Roley's seminar in Maryland.

Collins fears Roley and fears having his lack of skill shown to all the world if they ever come to blows in front of a camera. Collins lives his entire life on the internet. Even in Colorado, he can’t stay off of it long enough to do anything else. The image he tries to present of himself on Facebook and other areas is that of a skilled street fighter. That image will be destroyed if Roley takes him down as he was willing to do in Kentucky.

So, Collins is probably back in West Virginia right now and all that remains now is for him to declare a "victory" that exists only in his mind.

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